Paris Hilton...A tipping point for the rich?
Ah. It's finally here. After almost three decades of suffering under the Raygunomics scheme called "trickle-down, we have finally reached a tipping point. Americans HATE the rich and they don't care you knows it anymore.
The cat is out of the bag. The toothpaste is out of the tube and you can't put it back in. Normally mild manner people are seething with anger. Paris the Heiress got out of jail!
Do you have any idea how many phone calls the DA must have got to make him drag her back to court. It's unheard of.
In defense of Paris, I have to say that doing 5 days for what she is charged with is pretty standard but the public doesn't seem to care. They want her back in jail to suffer as much as possible. It seems the public is being irrational but not if you've been watching the silent rage building to-wards the rich and their spoiled brat children for the last five years. It's been coming.
George W Bush should take note. He's suffering from the same syndrome. A SPOILED BRAT WHO INHERITED THE WHITEHOUSE! Bush hatred and Paris hatred have a lot in common. The Republicans should take note. Another tax cut for the rich just may get you lynched. The Democrats should take note. If this immigration bill passes you may need Dragonskin body armor! Pass another trade deal at your own risk! There is a sea change going on. America is fast sinking into an all out class war. A gigantic tidal wave of hatred. French revolution anyone?
You see Americans are in a REALLY BAD MOOD! Especially the middle class. Lou Dobbs has been doing this as a theme on his show for years. He was ahead of the media pack in seeing this trend. The American middle class is getting whipped like a dog. They're mad as Hell. Out-sourcing, in-sourcing, health-care, interest rates rising, wages going down, college tuition going up, terra, Iraq, open borders, globalization, CEO thieves, poisoned pet food from China and now they are losing money in the only secure investment they ever had. Their house. ACK!!
Mark this day on the calendar because it will go down in history as the day a little shallow rich girl started the tidal wave of anger that will change the way we do business for a long time. Americans are openly hating the rich today and it FEELS SO GOOD!
Thank you Paris!