A generation ago, I remember people I never would have imagined, graduates of the G.I. Bill, with FHA mortgages and solid Social Security accounts, talking seriously about how George Wallace was right, and not just about race, but about everything. Government was the problem, it meddled, it let the kids run riot, it made no sense.
This change of mind proved permanent. Men and women who a few years before had stood with JFK and LBJ would vote for Nixon, Reagan and Bush for the rest of their lives, would contribute to the cause via direct mail, and would adjust their personal habits to avoid "the left" in all its Technicolor horror. The left became the culture, the right the counter-culture, and it was that culture, the culture of talk radio, of the megachurch and the TV evangelist, which won.
The same sort of reversal is happening now among baby boomers. People in their 30s, 40s and 50s, raised on the heroism of Ronald Reagan and the Gulf War, convinced a decade ago that Bill Clinton was evil, Al Gore crazy and Taxachusetts profoundly un-American, are now contributing to Democrats. They are echoing Democratic themes, not just on the war but on other issues. They are changing their minds.
And their minds won't change again. Ever. For the rest of their lives. They will teach their children that these were evil times, that we let ourselves be led by evil men, that government must be watched but also supported. And those children will grow up believing them, mostly, gaining new habits of thought.