It's interesting that the resident monarchist would come to comment on this issue. It just goes to show he's a troll intent on disruption.
Coercive enforcement, something dictatorship and monarchy are noted for, would answer his trolling by coercion -----baning him from the forum. However, for whatever reason, that hasn't happened here. I feel that's likely due to the fact that the forum is open to anyone in the hopes that people will contribute meaninful dialogue and everyone is mature enough to ignore the trolls when they pop in.
I've opted for what I consider the best "non-coercive" strategy.
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Yesterday, 04:19 PM
Remove user from ignore list
sean '90 This message is hidden because
sean '90 is on your
ignore list.
It's worked wonderfully for me. My mailbox isn't jammed with notifications that he's posted again, and again. As I scroll through the threads I dont have his tripe to read. I'm generally rid of him and I haven't done a thing to force him out and I haven't called on "the powers that be" to exercise their coercive powers to eliminate him.
Now, I wonder if we could use a consensus based approach to getting Sean '90 to come in line with the purpose of the forum. If the consensus was that Sean '90 was a exercising troll-like behavior, folks could put him on ignore. If enough people put him on ignore, the troll in Sean '90 would die! Sure, he'd still be a monarchist, likely remain sexist, continue to be bigoted, but, he'd have to behave better if he wanted anyone to pay attention to him. Since the troll in Sean '90 feeds on people's irritated responses to him, quoting him, etc. It is only through starvation that we can save the better, more entertaining part of Sean '90 from the troll that has posessed his soul.
Well. I'm doing my part, how about you!?