Originally Posted by
Arkham '80
I expatriated during the brain drain that immediately followed the total collapse of the dollar. Good luck even finding me.
They do so know where to look. Galt's Gulch, Colorado.
I will quietly sabotage whatever meaningless make-work project you assign me.
Why bother with sabotage? Just do precisely as you are told, no more and no less. I understand there's even a name for that - as a sort of strike.
I understand that your perverse work ethic demands tedious, soul-crushing labor in exchange for intrinsically worthless tokens, despite the fact that the economy is so productive that most workers are superfluous to it as anything other than suggestible consumers.
Are you sure of that? So far the 'production' seems to me to be shuffling paper, kiting checks, inflating the financials, and mining the last of resources we can't make any more of.
I also understand that I am marginalized because it is convenient for you that I be desperate and easily cowed. Or simply disposable. Yes. Or why it helps to have a trade or craft you can practice on the side. You say you want me to retrain and go back into the workforce, but I ask why? So that I can be discarded again and again as you find ever more efficient ways to asset-strip my country out from under my feet? Screw you. You will pay me this monthly bribe The bloody hell I will, kiddo. It's not the malefactors of great wealth you're talking to here, but people like me whose pockets your monthly bribe will come out of. Right back at you.or I will riot and burn your fat ass out of its plush high-rise penthouse. I see. And this distinguishes you from the mugger on the street how? An d my fat ass is slow and easy to catch, though it's not in a high-rise penthouse; it's in an 1,100 square foot house built before you were born. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of getting a robot to clean my $80 Walmart rugs, since that's the only way they'll get done. That is the arrangement that keeps this country from exploding in revolutionary violence, and if you can no longer keep it, you had best find an alternative that does not involve industrial peonage.
That's not the bargain America was built on. It's the bargain the Roman Empire had to make with the Head Count - who were, if you recall, displaced by slaves and the plantation economy. Though they did get taken into the Legions from the time of Gaius Marius up until pretty nearly the time you couldn't even get a Rider of the Purple Wage to sign up.
These stern-looking men to either side of me -- the ones with the guns -- work for Blackwater, whom we have hired to protect this factory. They defend our facilities in 12 countries, all of which are Third World tinder boxes beset by corruption and violence. Yours is now one of them. Kindly remove yourself from our property or we will be compelled to use deadly force. If you persist in these attempts at extortion, we may be find it necessary to liquidate your family, and perhaps some of your superiors as well. This will not be difficult, as we cultivate ties with numerous criminal, terrorist, and mercenary organizations as a hedge against just this sort of meddling. Please do not test us. We allow you the illusion of sovereignty as a courtesy, but your country is to us only a market, and a rather marginal one since your economy imploded. Good day.