Originally Posted by
Justin '77
I took Eric's test again, using his explanations, and came up with 10R 17M.
I found the explanations quite helpful and well-written.
Thanks Justin. I just hope that they aren't subtly influencing people to move more in my direction philosophically (which you did). I'll have to keep an eye on that.
What is your MBTI type?
In general our survey here is too small a sample to judge MBTI correlations to my test. As we noted, extraverts are not necessarily materialists, even though both represent a "worldly" or "objective" orientation in a general sense. And yes I would think SFs would be more empirical (although Ally Bear is the only SF here so far). But as I said, anyone who posts here, and ESPECIALLY on THIS thread, are strongly N in some way whatever their type actually is, and more likely NT. Note that this particular forum has to do with "theories." The book certainly has to do with archetypes and possibilities and patterns, though it has some scientific leanings, and Generations is more "people-oriented."
If anything the remarkable thing so far is that noone here has yet had an E score on my test, whereas my previous experience over the last 16 years has been that R scores are the minority. And there are 9 R/S scores and 3 R/M. R/S is the intuitive N sector (intuitive in the Jungian sense meaning preference for archetypes, universals, patterns and possibilities rather than actualities). It seems quite likely that Strauss and Howe are also N and/or NT and would score R/S on my test.
I don't know Justin's MBTI type, but so far we have 6 NTs, 3 STs, one NF and one SF. Both Fs were women BTW.
Not counting me; I am a border NT/NF, with an E/S score (much more S than E though)