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Kiff 1961

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What will becoming "more trans-rational" buy you, Kiff? Is there something you perceive to be limiting about rationality? Just curious.
Simple. There are experiences I've had that I can't explain rationally. I have a curiosity about why that is.
Any explanation has to be "coherent;" that is true. However, there are limits to what can be explained rationally, even if such explanations are coherent.
Reason uses labels and symbols. It generalizes by its very nature. It manipulates the
labels of experiences; it is not experience itself (except the experience of reason). It can organize experiences into a coherent system of knowledge. Coherence means making consistent sense, and useful or predictable.
On the other hand, reason can point to archetypal and formal truths. The human reason itself isn't the truth; but you could call these truths "rational" because they are general and formal. At the "spiritual pole" of the philosophy circle, reason and experience blend together in The One, around where Jesus and Plotinus reside.
So reason has validity; it's just not the only validity. Thus it can be "limiting," since it cannot encompass the whole by itself. In that sense, the spirit or God is beyond reason. But, reason can demolish some "superstitions" about spirituality or God; at least provisionally.
Simple or not; I dunno. But the relationships among ways of knowing are interesting.