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First time poster here; thought this would be as good a place as any to make my presence known. Been lurking here for a while, and decided that this is one of the most literate and interesting boards I've seen (aside from the completely banal cat fights over which version of Big Government is better - Nazi or Pinko...Oh, sorry, I meant Republican or Democrat. And for those who aren't aware of it yet, or are still deeply in denial, both the Nazis and the Communists were and are socialist movements, as is the current U.S. government, and any other state government you can think of. Government - any government - blows. There, I've thrown my 2 cents into that dabate, and can now move on to other, more intellectually stimulating topics. Or not. This is fun.
I'm yet another of those oh-so-rare INFJs who seem to be crawling all over this board. I'm also a core Xer, which explains the utter disdain for politics and just about any other "civic" activity. I live in my head, by my intuition. I respect myself and others who have earned that priviledge. You are not special because you are a fellow human being. You are not important because you exist. You are not deserving of respect simply because we share the same world-live under the same sky-let's all hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome"- oh, I feel so multi-cultural-pass the bong, brother. No.
And again, no. I am a libertarian. Small L. I believe the world would be a better place if it were a meritocracy. We'd all get what we deserved. No handouts. No guilt. Just personal responibility. Work hard, mind your own business and treat others well? You'd probably do alright. Don't take care of yourself and feel the need to vandalize your neighbor's house because you're full of "angst" living in a cruel world that doesn't "care" about you? The world does not need you, loser; with any luck you won't breed, or will meet a fitting end before you can.
Of course, this is just my dark, cynical Nomadic version of a pipe dream. In reality, people are generally stupid, lazy, corrupt and the more utterly useless scumbags they are, the more offspring they tend to produce. So much for personal responsibility. I fear there's a whole lot more Nanny State coddling in our future. Oh well. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it burned pretty darn quick...I'll be roasting marshmallows, how 'bout you?
Anyway, just wanted to say hi :twisted: