Regarding life phases: It must be pointed out that those who go to (four-year) colleges wouldn't graduate until they are 22 (or at least during the calendar year in which they turn 22). As far as the onset of middle age goes - the youngest President of all time (JFK) took office at that age; and a recent criminology study strongly suggests that recidivism declines sharply at that same age. And the start of "elderhood" is being changed legislatively, as the age for getting full Social Security benefits will be 67 - not 65 - by the time the first Busters get there. All of this only strengthens my argument in favor of eight generations (even if only four archetypes) per saeculum: In no case can parents and children in the same family realistically belong to the same generation, without some qualification (with both S&H's Transcendentals and G.I.s this could have easily happened, in myriad families nationwide). And Kevin, what do you mean over your dead Boomer body? You don't have a Boomer body! That sentence should have read "over my dead BUSTER body!"
Speaking of which, my web site is being designed right now as I write this - within ten days to two weeks it will be up and running. From all appearances the URL is going to be (some doctor up in Canada reserved, although no site with that address has actually been activated), although this has not officially been finalized.