Thongs used to mean sandals? Geez!!
Only a few of the 1982 Millies remember Challenger, and so that has been used as a Marker separating Millies from Xers. Oklahoma City was certainly big, Columbine was bigger, but I think that E2K was very huge. I think it might've been Akin to the Cuban Missle Crisis for this generation.
This coming recession will certainly have an effect, as it will likely become severe as the nation enters Crisis. Another thing Millies will remember is Seattle 1999, Washington DC 2000, Genoa 2001, and the upcoming major protests at the end of September in DC. How this will affect Millies, I am not clear on.
"The urge to dream, and the will to enable it is fundamental to being human and have coincided with what it is to be American." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
intp '82er