Kiff, I think it is funnier than/cool as hell when an otherwise "feminine" female breaks the "mold" and acts like a guy. But I'd hate to see the day when all women act like Al Bundy 24/7. We would lose an essential part of our humanity. I recall that S&H did a fascinating generational analysis of sex (words have gender, people have sex) roles and how differences between the sexes widen and narrow through the saeculum. It would be interesting to revisit that topic and see where we are now and where we should be heading with respect to this.On 2002-01-22 17:08, Stonewall Patton wrote:
Does that mean that some of us can occasionally be indistinguishable from Al Bundy?
I mean, I have been known to occasionally drink beer, cuss and watch football, after all....:smile:
Kiff '61