On 2002-02-10 10:38, jcarson71 wrote:
In my humble opinion, Missouri is a "Midlands" state. It's not Midwestern and it's not Southern. This region has a culture all of its own, in part defined by a rambunctious frontier culture and by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and by farming. The people aren't quite as genteel as southerners but aren't as phony, either. They'll be more than glad to give you their opinion, but are usually somewhat friendlier, more trusting, and less pushy than inhibitants of the Northeast corridor. Their main religion is football, unlike many places in the South where it is basketball.
The "Midlands" include southern Indiana, southern Ohio, southern Illinois, a good bit of Kentucky. Some of it might include far western Tennessee, and a band of Midlands might reach as far as southwestern Penn or northern Arkansas.
Midlands speech is kind of countryish (water is pronounced "wartar" and bear is pronounced "bar") but not exactly a slow Southern drawl, either. They like to pronounce "r's."
Well there ya go.