On 2002-03-29 11:26, Terminator X wrote:
But what about immigration? Obviously the birthrate went up dramatically say between 1880 and 1920.As immigrants, who are known to have larger families, filled up the American cities. The same Ims ure happened in the 1840s. You know how the Irish are :wink:
Also what about trends in general? Up until the Baby Boom it was normal for women to bear up to 6, 7, 8 children!
That is something that hasnt been turned around since. What are we down to now, 2.5?
I am sure alot also has to do with the kind of employment available to Americans now.
Our manufacturing base has been relocated to the Third World.
Alot has changed in forty years, and it hasnt entirely been linked to birthrate, or generational shift.
When I think of Boomers, I think of a narcissistic, highly opinionated group that in some way were children of a post war, pre-Awakening America.