On 2002-05-15 18:51, Ty Webb wrote:
Jesse, most of my friends parents are divorced. Alot of them have drug problems etc. They fit the late Xer bill in so many ways.
As for you, if you really don't see 1984 as being a different time to be born in then perhaps you are the start of the Millennials.
From my experience people born in 1978 identify as Gen X, about half of the people in 1979 identify as Gen Y, most people born in 80 identify as Gen Y, and almost all people in 81 identify as Gen Y.
If I could post interviews with my friends I would.
But being so close to the cusp, Ill fess up and say that im a cusper, and that familial, cultural, historical, and friendly bonds have drawn me into the Xer camp.
See you later.