Standing at the brink

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Hi. This is my first post, so no flaming!
As a Millennial, and as a fan of the work of Strauss & Howe, I couldn't help but wonder when the Unraveling/Crisis shift occurred, or will occur. The last few cycles have all lasted about the length of a generation - anywhere from 16 to 20+ years. And since a Hero generation (like Millennials) is born during an Unraveling, the way to define the end of my generation would be by knowing around when the Unraveling ends. Already there are new babies being born who I am sure will have very little in common with me generationally. They have no memories of the Clinton presidency, the Macarena, or 9/11. They will grow up in a world of restriction rather than a world of concern; in a world of frugality rather than a world of affluence; in a world of over-protection rather than a world of thirty-something-era obsession with "good parenting".
So clearly the kids born today aren't Millennials. Every Millennial has some connection with the turn of the Millennium (duh!), and most have memories at least of Monica Lewinsky, Newt Gingrich, and the Y2K scare. So when did this new generation start? And on a related note, when did the Unraveling end?
I feel it's confusing because 9/11 should have been the start of the Fourth Turning. What other event was so vital, so crucial, so unifying as to officially bring us into Crisis mode? And yet due to the leadership style of Congress and President Bush, it didn't last. The last few years have had a clear feeling of social decay and division, which is definitely more an Unraveling thing than a Crisis thing. There is little sense of unity. And no one seems to be "sacrificing" anything yet; instead, we're all hanging on to materialism by a thread. So this is definitely not a Crisis in the mold of the Depression and World War II, or even in the mold of the Civil War.
So if we're still in Unraveling (albeit near the end), when does the Crisis start? It's coming. You can feel it. But it's been 22 years since the Unraveling began. How much longer can this feeling of separation last? When are we going to be forced to face the reality that we are reliving 1929? When do we get off our soapboxes and unite? I don't know. Do you?
Welcome to the board. Bring your friends; we need more members of you Gen. For your first post, you picked the most discussed topic on this forum.
Opinions are all over the board, pun intended. Things that should have happened by now, haven't. That's certainly clear. What's not so clear is why. I have an opinion, like everyone else here, but I don't put it in the league of near certainty, like some. You shouldn't either.
I think that the 3T-4T transition has been delayed or deflected by those aware that change does occur on a regular basis. Those managing the process may be aware of the theory ... or not. That's less important than an awareness of recent history. The changes in the 20th century are pretty obvious, and the thinkers and plotters in both parties see this as a change time. They are all working to steer it in the direction they wish it to go, and, so far, the result has been a War of Words (WoW) with increasing levels of partisanship and little else.
It's like a medieval war where the defense keeps building a bigger and stronger castle and the offense, bigger and stronger siege weapons. So far, defense is winning, but the walls are showing cracks. Oddly, both camps are playing both roles this time: defending their respective ground and viciously attacking their opponents in this escalating WoW.
They both may be too clever by half. The public is getting weary and may opt to just trow out all the incumbents they can. If it's dramatic enough, that should mark the beginning of the Regeneracy. Now, all you have to do is look back and find the trigger. I like Hurricane Katrina as an expected event that was allowed to deteriorate due, in large part, to hubris of the political class at all levels. Others still believe it's 9/11.
So you can believe as you wish, and not be out of the mainstream. So far, there isn't one.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.