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IMO the West is in the last part of what Toynbee called a civilization's "Time of Troubles". WW2 should of resulted in a universal state, but the potential universal state (the US) refused to become one, choosing instead to be the "first among equals" with other Western and Westernized states (NATO). I think that by the end of the next saeculum the West will have entered it's universal state phase, with the universal state either being a corporate oligarchy or a federation of many microstates depending on the outcomes of the next 2 Crises. The 3rd Crisis era will result in The Western Universal State will either become, or be absorbed, by a global state.
Ave Caesar! If only we get one as competent as Li'l Augie ... or for that matter, as competent as Big Julie! Alas, what we have would make Pompey look like Einstein + Gandhi.
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.