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The Future of History...."...'Modern' has become vague and abstract, to the extent that its various meanings were now confusing*....*"Had the Modern Age not begun five hundred years ago, succeeding the Middle Ages? What was, and is, 'modern' art or design? - something created after 1890?....What was (and is) 'postmodern' (a word beginning to appear after 1970)? And the much touted sexual and 'cultural' revolutions in the 1960s were hardly anything but repetitions of the modernity of the 1920."
Well, the linguists refer to Early Modern English, 1500-1800, and Late Modern English, 1800-present. I tend to disagree and cut "present" off at 1970, after which it's "Postmodern English." Professor Damico found that amusing, I think, if clever and original.
But I agree: "modern" in the sense of art, music, and literature began around 1890 and "postmodern" in that sense around 1970. But I've said repeatedly that the Twentieth Century --- here defined as 1890-1970 -- was a transition period between the Modern (i.e. post-Medieval) culture and world, and the one we're living in now.
And I also agree about the 60-on being a repeat of the 20s. I was watching the DVD of "Murder Must Advertise" last week, and the bad girl Dian de Mormerie would fit into the Madonna/Paris Hilton world so easily! In fact, she was like a blast from the recent past, not the past of 80 years ago.
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.