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The US 2T is commonly believed to have started in 1963, with the Kennedy assasination. The German 1T did not last into the 1970's, not a single second, believe me. 1968 was THE defining year of the 2T, for late Silents (and no, and I repeat no 1950's cohort I've ever met shows ANY Silent traits at all. Nada. Nothing. Zero. Even the cusp was over by the 1948 cohorts at the very latest!) as well as for the Boomers. My 1953 cohort mother certainly did not come of age during a 1T, and if she's a Silent, I'm Japanese!
1964, not 1963. The Kennedy assasination, while terrible, was still 1Ting. It began a chain of events that eventually led to the Awakening beginning, but it wasn't the cinch pin. I often think the event is over-examined. As my War Baby mother used to say, it was a terrible thing, but life went on.
Same goes for the 3T, and since I remember the 1988 - 1994 period myself, I can tell you that the 2T was over by then. Reunification was not a 2T event, at least not for West Germany. (Watch Goodbye Lenin, if you don't believe me. The scene with a young West German couple moving into an East Berlin apartment is especially telling!) The 2T did not last into the 90's at all. You can look at the early 90's however you want. Music. Pop Culture. Politcs. Everything was 3T.
Quite Agreed. And I love and own that movie.
Kohl promised that the East would catch up to the West overnight. If that does not scream of a 3T, nothing does. Boomers were in child-raising mode, their finding-themselves phase being long over. Even the very last Boomerish cuspers, born in the early to mid 60's (the latter ones being overwhelmingly Xers already IMO, with the 50/50 dividing line being 1963 or so) had their peace movement, and when the Cold War ended, it was dead as a dodo. In fact, it died back in 1985 or so, when the final phase of detente started with the rise of Gorbachev. Youth and Young Adult culture was firmly Nomad.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."