Originally Posted by
All of these can be readily removed from coal emissions for less than the cost of renewables. So if these things really were a problem, then I imagine all our coal power plants would use existing clean coal technology.
OK, we both know about the conservation of matter. So if we scrub the SO2 out, then where do we put it or the by product from scrubbing at?
Next, where do we put the mercury ? I don't know of a safe place to put that stuff. I'm not so conerned about fly ash, since it can be made into concrete and the like. So, in leaving the CO2 question out, folks can of course apply tort law if needed to seek redress for any negative effects.
That would of course apply to a nuclear plant. If some I-131 gets released, then tort law is OK for that as well. As long as every energy source has an even playing field, I'm OK with the whole situation.
Coal can be used cleanly for less than the renewable alternatives. It can also be mined without raping the land. But to do so costs more than not doing them--but LESS than replacing coal with a renewable.
Does it? Like a good scientist, I need the info. Please go and find the requisite studies and get back with me.
So obviously, if GW is not an issue, then oil and gas will be replaced by clean coal (if you want to vote for that) that is mined without raping the land (if you want to vote for that). If enough people really voted against dirty coal and raping the land, then
it wouldn't be happening. So if it is happening then that is because people
don't care about H2SO4 or Hg in the air or raping the land, except for perhaps "tree-hugger" types like yourself and the Rani.
It's most likely a matter of time. My guess is that some equivalent of the Cayhouga river catching fire will suffice in changing the mindset. Of course, nobody gave a flip about using rivers as sewers until that happened. Likewise with Hg and H2SO4, I don't know what the tipping point will be. My guess is that something will occur. As for the tree-hugger remark, it's not really apropos. Actually, I do care about ground level O3, since it really interacts bad with my allergies. I'm just taking my option and move away from the locale (Houston) where this just causes me grief. As for Hg, I really don't want to be near this, since it's toxic and I don't know of a nice way to make it go away.
The only thing that makes coal not a solution to oil and gas shortages is GW. You have to sequester the CO2 to use coal if GW is a concern and that adds enough to the cost to make conservation the most profitable approach to energy shortage. It is
conservation that makes alternates feasible by accomodating very expensive energy prices needed to make alternates make financial sense.
I guess that's because people really want to use energy sources that don't add CO2. You yourself are into whatever the what poeple want argument.
Know this if you get nothing else from this post. At $3 gallon NOTHING will ever replace gasoline. If gas has to cost this much, get used to walking because that's what you will be doing if you want to phase out oil use but insist on maintaining that price level.
What are you talking about ? To clarify, I don't care what gasoline or any fuel source costs. Since fuel prices are a market function, I couldn't care less. Did you write this post while you were half asleep or something ? The only thing in regard to price is that displaced costs get added to it. An example is imported oil. The price per barrel should have the costs of defending the source added on. So, in the case of your clean coal option, as long as the price of its displaced costs are taken into account, I have no issue.
If gas can cost $10 a gallon, then it is easy to replace gasoline with something else.
Well, duh
The idea that we can replace $3 gas with $3 of something else that will give the same service as a gallon of petrol is a pipe dream.
You're being redundant. Again, I've never implied that. I don't know what the cost of energy inputs is. I'll just keep using my CFL's and low input model for the pecan orchard. So in closing, I just don't give a flying fuck about the price of gasoline. For all I care, it can be $30.00/gallon
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."