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Check Howe and Strauss. You will find that the peak authority for Idealists arrives later than is the norm for Reactive, Civic, or Adaptive generations. The replacement of a Boomer President with an ambiguous X President demonstrates how badly the unambiguous Boomer President (Dubya) bungled his role in history. The election of John McCain as President would have signaled much the same.
Sure, FDR wasn't Lincoln -- but if 9/11 or, earlier, the 2000 election were the start of a Crisis Era, then the behavior of Dubya would have contradicted any idea that 2001 was a Crisis year. FDR pushed for a virtual end of luxury spending -- fast. He established, with the consent of Congress, the most regimented economy in American history. Young men were largely expected to abandon civilian life for military life. Any building of real estate was in temporary (and spartan) housing for industrial workers in new defense plants.
Let's look at how Americans acted in the wake of 9/11. As we all know, such major-league baseball stars as Jason Giambi, Jorge Posada, Michael Young, and Roy Halliday risked their lucrative baseball careers for military service in 2001. Whoops! That was Hank Greenberg, Stan Musial, Ted Williams, and Bob Feller in World War II! Americans socked their money into war bonds and war stamps for the duration instead of making a headlong dash into real estate that they could never afford. Whoops! That was in the 1940s. Americans established Victory Gardens, patched clothes that got holes or tears in them, and drastically cut back on recreational driving. Whoops! Previous Crisis era.
Many people were still around who had memories of the previous Crisis, which suggests that the Crisis that you thought happened in 2001 came at an awkward time, when some late-wave Silent were still in their late 50s and some GIs were still in their middle-to-late 70s. During the Civil War Crisis the Adaptive generation (the Compromise generation) was all turning 70 at the latest, and any remaining members of the Civic generation of the previous Crisis (the American Revolution and Constitutional Crisis) were extremely old -- in their middle 90s at the youngest. To be sure, life expectancies were much longer in the Great Depression and World War II -- but if you are to look at the time when the Japanese Empire bombed Pearl Harbor, the adult Adaptive generation of the time (Progressive) was in its eighties at the least and what passed for a Civic Generation in the late 19th century and early twentieth, the Gilded, was already approaching the century mark.
If the Civil War Crisis hit unusually early and hard, then your concept of the Crisis that began with 9/11 hit not unusually early but with severity that few people felt. 3T ways of doing things continued until the economic meltdown that began with real estate in 2005.
It's not that Americans failed to congeal behind a weak leader. The Germans, Japanese, and Russians congealed behind leaders far more pathological than Dubya in 1941, if not earlier.
In any event, an economic meltdown usually portends the Crisis. Look at what is now going on in Greece. Look at what can happen should the President and the House majority achieve an impasse over the debt ceiling as Republicans lay down their idea of the law to the President, who is to give the Hard Right everything it wants lest there be a risk of a second Great Depression.
As the saying goes in show business, "You ain't seen nothin' yet", But what follows isn't the delightful entertainment that some MC or bandleader promises. This time it can be the political equivalent of a snuff film. This time it could be democracy that is literally snuffed out in favor of something ugly, brutal, and destructive.