The BEST effort had top statisticians and they have made it clear that you cannot statistically say anything about a long-term global warming trend with only a decade of data. That is reaffirmation of Benjamin D. Santer findings -
which even the major statistician on the skeptics' side, Roger Pielke had already agreed with -
"I agree with Santer et al that “[m]inimal warming over a single decade does not disprove the existence of a slowly-evolving anthropogenic warming signal
But I realize that is insufficient to have any impact on you megaphone types (includng Whitehouse who has long been in a race with Watts as to whom is more moronic).
However, there is something else that is coming. Here's some hints -
- also, you might want to know that the April 2010 data point is based on only 47 stations, all in the Antarctic whereas the data point for March was base on 14,488 stations. If you are having a hard time grasping this, imagine how big your megaphone would be if instead there had been a 2010 data point showing a huge spike upwards but a data point with two orders of magnitude higher uncertaintly than the average for all other data points and based on 1/1000 of the number of stations as the previous month and all those few stations were in the Sahara Desert... in, get this, July! Yea, your megaphone would be pretty hard to lug around now wouldn't it?
Oh and guess what happens to to curve of the "decade of cooler temperatures' when you take that single weird April 2010 data point out? Maybe we'll all soon be taking about "hiding the increase?"