He posted numbers that are nonsense to anyone with a brain, after not reading valid scientific numbers that I posted in the links. His post does not deserve an intelligent reply, and so Grey's response was perfectly appropriate. Why are you continuing to debate this? You'll lose credibility if you do.
Worth discussing on the other thread. Perhaps I will. But for starters, I don't think my own consciousness is a fantasy. The "way the world works" according to you, apparently, wants to just forget about the one doing the fantasizing and observing of how the world works. It's your choice. Keep the spirit alive.
YOu think unless you have all your dirty oil and coal and fracking and nucs that screw up the environment, that we will have to go back in caves. That's pretty extreme and fundie if you ask me (I know, you didn't ask me

). Stop spewing hot air and get back to reality. It would help the global temperature.
Your so-called facts are insulting to anyone with any degree of sense. Science shows that if we keep allowing CO2 to rise above 350, we will cook the planet and kill off species and all the other harmful effects of global warming you ought to know about by now (but don't apparently). What happened billions of years ago is not relevant, except to make yourself a laughing stock and a pro-growth fundie, as you and Copperfield are doing.