
Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
I don't think you could say what they are. He is just another poster on this board who has a different opinion from yours; which by the way is far out on the looney fringe. Anarchy may have its points; I have entertained it and believed in it myself for a while, but common sense and real concern for people makes it invalid. I don't think you are correct in labeling people who don't have libertarian views resembling your own, as "fascist." That is an unfair label to put on people, it seems to me. The only one who posts here who even comes anywhere close to it, is Civic Hero 68.
Agreed. The label 'fascist' and comparisons to Hitler are usually a cheap form of ad-holmium used by those lacking originality.
Now, PBower might see the World War II era as critically shaping the world as it is now. He does seem to reach to the culture and values of that time for examples of how we might perceive and act today. In a similar way I was shaped by the Consciousness Revolution, and am strongly influenced by the Blue Boomer values of anti-war, equality and ecology. JPT reads the Bible and attends church, which strongly effects his perspective and values. If PBower might possibly be accused of having a Nazi hard on, I'd suggest we all have strong values that tie us to a given time, place, culture and / or belief system.
One of my repeating problems is those who label me as Boomer and talk to me as if I were a stereotypical Boomer, whatever that is. A lot of Boomer haters refuse to distinguish between Blue and Red Boomers. They attack some mythical group of people who share ugly Boomer traits shared by both Red and Blue, without being able or willing to respect or talk about the issues dividing Red and Blue. This inability to distinguish between vastly divergent value sets renders them incapable of communicating with either flavor of Boomer.
I see PBower as having a similar problem. I might be wrong. Yes, he is concerned about issues and values that dominated the World War II era, but that doesn't make him a Nazi any more than I'm a Red Boomer or JPT is a Sunni.
It is appropriate to promote one's own value system, but I wish more people would spend some time attempting to understand the value system of the person one is supposedly communicating with. One would think one wins points by using an insult sound byte that one thinks ought to sting the stereotype one is attacking. Does anyone think one can win points by learning, by assimilating a bit of someone else's perspective into one's own?
It's hard, though. World views and values seem to come with defense systems. It seem intuitive to dismiss conflicting values rather than honestly reevaluate one's own. It is easier to attack a generic nazi than to actually read and understand what another poster is attempting to say.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. JFK