The big tent strategy is a long term loser. Allowing "allies" (as if science is some sort of war) to spew nonsense simply because they are on your side renders your side meaningless as a position.
Science is similar to comic book collecting in one aspect: it has a unique language.
Science is similar to cosplay in one aspect: it has a unique language.
Science is similar to skateboarding in one aspect: it has a unique language.
Science is similar to fly fishing in one aspect: it has a unique language.
Science is similar to tagging in one aspect: it has a unique language.
If one wishes to discuss the intricacies of comic book collecting, cosplay, skateboarding, fly fishing, or tagging, they should probably be expected to learn some of the basic lingo. If they don't want to discuss those topics then no need for the lexicon lessons.
If you wish to discuss the science of global warming then some basic level of vocabulary is necessary. Quantitative and qualitative is just about as basic as you can get. You'll find the terms in Chapter 1 of every science textbook, no matter which branch, from about 6th grade and up. Is it really unreasonable to demand at least a 6th grade level of fluency in a discussion about the future of our entire planet? I'm the asshole here?
Are you also going to ignore the simple fact that Pbrower's mistake was a very, very basic mistake that he compounded by continuing to deny it as such?
This was not a mistake of common language ambiguity. It was a deeply fundamental mistake.
Concern trolling? Boring.
Or, I can stay here and enjoy the things I like while pointing out when people are only pretending to understand the science when various topics pop up. Others in the forum can choose to read my critiques or not.
You seem to think that I hate the fact that others around me don't understand science. If I really harbored such an attitude, being a professional science educator would be the epitome of hell on earth. I don't feel that way.