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I don't think u fool many people. See, ur problem is the premise for ur absurd, self-righteous conclusions--name a single fact that indicates "climate-change." U can't; ur buddy, "Marx," can't--none of u liars can--all u want to do is to suck-along w. powers-that-be who want to use "climate-change" lies as excuse for dictatorship.
And for sure, descendents WILL curse u, un-questionably, if such as u are allowed to bring in the dictatorship u're willing to have at behest of this idiotic "climate-change" fiction, prop. and lies.
I was thinking of calculating your ignorance-to-relevance and arrogance-to-credibility ratios until I recalled that division by zero is impossible.
Wonkette intends to fool nobody. She goes with the preponderance of knowledge, and that is that global warming is real.
Science is done well only in humility -- with respect for rigid rules of formulation of hypotheses, measurement, double-blind testing, and cautious reporting. Most scientists are in fact glorified lab technicians, because science requires that. One person cannot get a conclusion by himself. Such makes physical science highly reliable. One contradicts the great body of scientific research at the risk of making a fool of oneself - as with creationists.
If the climate-change hazard were in the opposite direction -- that snow sheets were forming in northern Quebec and the highlands of Scotland and Norway, and glaciers were expanding in the Rockies and Alps, then we would so say, and we would have real concerns. Nobody wants to see glaciers obliterating Edinburgh and Glasgow. If such were to be the prospect, then we would consider it wise to scrap subcompact cars to replace them with 1970s-style gas guzzlers, turn up the heat in winter, and belch more world-saving coal fires -- right?
We have the opposite concern, with the inundation of lowlands (including some of the world's greatest cities) and the expansion of deserts. I have no illusion of the willingness of people to sacrifice their lives to save those of people in distant and different lands; I have no cause to believe that people will not turn to brutal regimes to protect themselves from refugees from inundated and desiccated lands. Global warming implies horrific wars just to allow the survival of peoples -- and there could hardly be a more congenial environment for dictatorships as murderous as Nazi Germany.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters