The question to me is whether we have a spiral of rhetoric building into a spiral of violence. Are Al Gore and Elizabeth Warren potential Grey Champions building up a tidal wave of support for inevitable and overwhelming change, or are they voices crying in the wilderness to a great extent unheard?
During the Industrial Age, the Awakening was the time of preparation while the Crisis was the time of doing. During the Industrial Age, it took violence to subdue and overthrow the establishment powers. True transformation required wholesale killing. If there was to be a major internal transformation there was a revolution or civil war.
Is this the Information Age? Are steam power, printed information and chemical weapons giving way to renewable power, digital information and weapons of mass destruction? Is it possible that the rules are changing? Is it possible that the earth shaking transformation we are looking for isnt where we are expecting it? If it is no longer going to be about gunfire, revolution and civil war, might the Awakenings become the time of transformation rather than the Crisis?
Ill leave it as a question to ponder. It is certainly too soon to proclaim it so.
But the shorter term question is whether we have a spiral of rhetoric building towards a possible spiral of violence. I am certainly not seeing the spiral of violence. After both OKC and September 11th the American People firmly rejected terrorism as a means of forcing domestic change. These days, modern values strongly hold that the terrorists are the bad guys. This makes it difficult to launch a successful spiral of violence. People trying to orchestrate modern equivalents of the Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre or Harpers Valley raid are fighting the tide.