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The fault with NAFTA was that Mexico got to join NAFTA without allowing American labor unions to organize as competition to company unions and (PRI) Party-oriented unions. There was nothing wrong with NAFTA that the Teamsters, UAW, Steelworkers, ILGWU, United Mine Workers, and the like couldn't have solved.
You know, I never even noticed the lack of non-PRI labor organization in Mexico until you mentioned it. Mexicans probably don't even realize what they are missing; no one alive remembers a time when the unions were not part of a Party structure. The Porfiriato was a very long time ago now.
AMLO doesn't have a problem with Party-controlled unions, he just wants personal control of them. PAN is a corporatist/conservadore organization now, but could they be persuaded to allow real pluralistic unionization in Mexico? I don't have a good answer; there are no data to project upon. In the meantime, the 'fair trade' movement is an attempt to effect the same sorts of changes from north of the border.
The American economic elite wanted to maintain Mexico as a land of cheap labor... perhaps to help drive wages down in the USA. That desire illustrate 3T economic policy to a tee.
No perhaps about it. Of course then Chinese labor became cheaper than Mexican labor and upset the whole applecart.
'81, 30/70 X/Millie, trying to live in both Red and Blue America... "Catfish 'n Cod"