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I would hope that we don't forgo Jefferson's exceptionalism as the "shining light on the hill." I could even occasionally be talked into the Wilsonian version of defending those with similar aspirations that come under extreme duress (although I recognize there lays a slippery slope). And I would hope that we always keep the ability to go 'all-Jacksonian (akin to "going all medieval") on anyone that significantly strikes at us.
What I like to see forever assign to history's trash bin is the hubris and stupidity of, as you said, "that we can and should go wherever we wish and do whatever we want."
The politicos who will do well are those that can clearly articulate this difference and gain the trust that knowing the difference will be what guides them.
I think most Americans want their exceptionalism, but in the right form. Its okay to continue to work on those pec's and hope folks will admire them; it’s a whole other matter to going around punching any one in the mouth that looks askance at you.
That's a tall order, but maybe one well suited to a 4T. Personally, I hope it is. In many ways we are unique. We sit astride a continent that is lush and rich, and we are plentiful enough to be unconquerable. All potential adversaries are elsewhere, nearer to each other than they are to us. If necessary, we can be self sustaining.
So if it comes to be again that we are attacked, we should respond ... by attacking the attacker. Please, let the primary lesson from this be to never attack for vanity or hubris those me merely dislike. The only other lesson would be to immediately fire those that failed to learn the primary lesson.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.