Originally Posted by
This is definitely possible. What I'd expect is rising action and crisis mood throughout the 1949-1966 interim years until the civil war starts. Do you see this?
What is their last crisis war?
The thing to look for is, after the climax, what resolution there was, if any. If none, either the climax was nothing of the sort, or it's still going on (not likely!)
Of course the media generally do not go into details about resolutions unless it's a place we have an interest in.
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.