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I just finished watching today's Meet the Press (I know, I know, stop snickering), and how did the roundtable discussion end, but with a discussion of Millies?
The panel was composed of Gwen Ifill, Eugene Robinson, David Brooks, and John Harwood discussing the impact of Imusgate on our culture. It was a rich discussion, and the panel all agreed on two things: first, that Imusgate is a sign that our culture really has deteriorated grossly, and second that "this younger generation" is more wholesome than their elders by all social measures: lower crime, lower drug use, higher grades, lower teen pregnancy, etc.
Until maybe a year ago, the media had always had a rather ignorant and judgmental view of the Millies: Columbine, hip-hop, baggy jeans, promiscuity and rampant sex. This was of course completely inaccurate and outdated. They seemed to assume we were Xers 2.0.
Now, suddenly everybody considers us the Christ Children.
Regeneracy, here we come.