The fourth period of chronologicl overlapping in Fogel's theory is 1990-Present. From one aspect it could be viewed as part of the 3rd Phase of the 3rdGA (1970-Present). From another aspect it could be considered as part of the 1st Phase of the 4thGA (1960-Present) A third aspect could view it as the beginnig of the 2nd Phase of the 4thGA (1990-Pres). Of some confusion here is that while Fogel doesnt seem to know when the 1st Phase of the 4thGA ends (i.e. 1960-Present), he does know when the 2nd Phase of the 4thGA begins (i.e. 1990-Present) We know that 1960 falls within the period of the New Frontier High (ca. 1946-1968). The years 1970-1990 spell out the 4thGA ca.1968-1986 and after 1986 we now have 2001 and a close to the Millenial Unraveling ca. 1986-2001 that S&H describe as a period of "Culture Wars...which opened with triumphant 'Morning in America' individualism, has thus far drifted toward pessimism. Personal confidence remains high, and fe national problems demand immediate action. But the public reflects darkly on growing violence and inciviity, widenig inequality, pervasive distrust of instittions and leaders, and a debased popular culture. People fear that the national consensus is splitting into competing 'values' camps." and the beginning of the 911 Crisis ca. 2001-2019(?). Again, according to Fogel, since 1990 or 1986 in my book, we had been in the 2nd Phase of the 4th GA which has witnessed an "Attack on materialist corruption ; rise of prolife, profamily, and media reform movements; campaign for more values-oriented school curriculum; expansion of tax revolt; attack on entitlements." (p.28) We are now on the shores of the actual war, the 911 Crisis ca. 2001-2019, the battle lines are drawn between the modernist holdovers from the 3rdGA and the rising tide of Fundamentalism that ultimately will become the dominant culture of the next high that will begin, if the 18 year turning patterns continue, around 2019. How long or short the high will be is determined by what will happen to post industrial societies with reference to their modes of production and reproduction. That is to say, if there is a dramatic drop in population during the present Crisis then the length of the next high could be lengthened. (more later) Copyright DMMcG