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The fundamentalist "Crusading culture" of the culturally fundamentalist Cluniac high ca.1071-1095 first emerged in the fundamentalist counter-culture of the culturally modernist Capetian high ca.963-996. Of course, this counter-culture, like its modernist cultural counterpart, is the end product of the proceses of the spiritual, cultural, and actual warfare periods of culturally modernist Photian Awakening ca.886-996. The fundamentalist counter-culture of the Capetian high is remarkable. It is remarkable on account of the roles played in it by four or perhaps five important women. Indeed one of them may have been the most important of all. The first of these women was nomad archetype Adlaide, Queen of Italy and older wife of her younger husband, the hero archetype Emperor Otto I. She was also the mother of the artist archetype future Emperor Otto II (b.955) and regent for prophet archetype Otto III (b.980)) from 983 until her death in 991. The second and/or third of these woman could turn out to be the most important of all. And this woman or these women was or were a Byzantine princess named Theophano. The first time we hear of a Byzantine princes with that name she was the wife of the artist archetype Byzantine Emperor Romanus II until his death in 963 when she would have been in her late teens. She was the mother of at least three children fathered by Romanus. The eldest of them was the future Byzantine Emperor Basil II (b.957). The second, also destined to become Emperor, was the prophet archetype named Constantine (b.961). And the third child was probably also a prophet archetype named Anna who was destined to become the wife of the artist archetype Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev, in 988. In 963 she married the artist archetype general Nicephorus Phocas who then became Emperor. Theophano plotted his murder in 969 and had him replaced as Emperor by her hero archetype lover, John Tzimisces. It is said that almost immediately the new Emperor had her "banished to a convent" never to be heard from again. Curiously, the third and/or second woman on our list is also an artist archetype Byzantine princes named Theophano. This Theophano was the wife of the Holy Roman Emperor and artist archetype Otto II and She was also mother and regent, along with Adelaide, for her son the prophet archetype Otto III (b.980), until her death in 991. The obvious question one would ask is are these two differnt women or are they the same woman, who may turn out to be the most important of all? That is to say, was the artist archetype Byzantine princes who married Otto II around 978 the same woman who had been "banished to a convent" by her lover in 969. It is completly possible. We know that the Theophano who was the wife of Romanus II was born around 943 and that she gave birth to her son Basil in 957, when she was around fourteen years of age. She gave birth to her second son Constantine around 962 when she would have been around nineteen years of age. She undoubtedly gave birth to Anna between the two boys. She was "banished" by her lover in 969 when she would have been twenty-five years of age. Theophano next appears as the bride of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II sometime arond 980 when her prophet archetype son Otto would have been born. She would have been around thirty-seven and twelve years older than her artist archetype husband Otto II who prdeceased her in 983. She then would have served as regent along with her mother-in-law Adelaide, the nomad archetype Queen of Italy, who, we remember, was also older than her hero archetype husband Otto I, for her prophet archetype son Otto III until her death in 991 at the age of forty-eight years. It is not impossible, then, to think that indeed there was but one Theophano who would have been the mother of both artist archetype Basil II of Byzantium and the prophet archetype Holy Roman Emperor Otto III when they ascended their respective thrones, for Basil from 976 to 1025 and for Otto from 994 to 1002. So, it is possible that, for a brief eight years, two brothers, perhaps unknowingly, may have once again ruled both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, a fete not seen since the time of Arcadius and Honorius during the cultural warfare phase of the culturally modernist Augustinian Awakening or the unraveling turning named after their sister Galla Placidia, another remarkable woman, from 421 to 450. The third or fourth woman of significance during the fundamentalist counter-culture of the modernist Capetian high ca.963-996 was Theophanos prophet archetype daughter Anna, the sister of the artist archetype bachelor Emperor Basil II. Early in 988 envoys sent by Basil II to the Grand Prince Vladimir of Kiev offered his sister Anna's hand in marriage if he would convert to Christianity. Vladimir was immediately baptized and married to Anna. He then took his new bride and several Greek and Bulgar priests, some relics, and some icons back to Kiev. On his return to Kiev, he ordered the immediate destruction of all Russian pagan objects of worship and had the entire poulation baptized in the Dnieper River. Earlier on, Vladimir had been inluenced in his conversion to Christianity by the fourth or fifth woman on our list, his nomad archetype grandmother Olga. Olga had been the wife of the prophet archetype Igor I, the Grand Prince of Kiev. In that capacity she birthed hero archetype Svatoslav, for whom she served as regent from 945 to 969. Olga was the first of the Kievans in Russia to embrace Orthodox Christianit. She was probably baptized in 957 at Constantinople. Her efforts to bring Christianity to Russia was resisted by Svatoslav but was, as we have seen, more successful with her grandson Vladimir. It is said that the Emperor Otto II had great plans to recreate the glory and power of the ancient Roman Empire as a universal Christian state governed from Rome. Otto II believed in the practice known as Caesaropapism, that kind of King-Priest theocratic system in practice in the Eastern Roman Empire since nomad archetype Constantine the Great. Since before the time of Constantine, the West was ruled by the Roman Pontif, the Priest-King of Rome. Otto sought to change the theocratic system and make the Pope subordinate to the Emperor in religious as well as secular affairs the way it was in Byzantium. But one is left to wonder, were these Otto's dreams or were they the dreams of his remarkable wife Theophano. who in her person may have linked the thrones of the Holy Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire and that of the Grand Prince of Kiev. Unlike later periods, the fundamentalist counter-culture of the Capetian high ca.963-996 has a very integrated feel to it, and this dynastic integration continued on into the cultural warfare period of the Russian Awakening ca.1024-1049. In 1049, the nomad archetype Henry I Capet, grandson of Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty of France during the Capetian high, was married to the nomad archetype Amme of Kiev. Anne was the daughter of the prophet archetype Grand Prince Yaroslav, the Wise. Yaroslav was the son of Vladimir of Kiev and Anna, the daughter of Theophano. Indeed, it is in the activities of the new dynastic elements in France and Russia that one finds the modernist culture of the culturally modernist Capetian high ca.963-996. As we have seen, in Russia it was the advent of Russian Orthodoxy and preparation for that distant day when the Czars of Moscow could declare their city "third Rome." Of course we have also seen how the modernist culture of this high witnessed the onset of the Capetian dynasty in France in the person of Robert I. Robert's claim to fame came out of his defeat of the Northmen (i.e. Vikings) at Chartres in 911. This was one year after he had helped to found the culturally modernist and reformist abbey at Cluny, an act that will bear its fruit in the modernist counter-culture of the culturally fundamentalist Cluniac high ca.1071-1095 when the Cluniac Pope Gregory VII will counter-cultrally take up its cause. Of course during the Capetian high it was clear that the papacy was in need of reform. The Popes, like the Ottonian Emperors, were part of the fundamentalist counter-culture of the period. At this time the papacy was under control of the political forces of the day. The most notorious act was the infamous "cadaver Synod" when the exhumed dead body of Pope Formosus was paced on trial. The poltics in Rome was dominated by a noble family associated with an individual named Theophylact and his powerful wife Theodora and her even more powerful daughter Marocia. Marocia had been the mistress of Pope Sergius III and mother of Pope John XI. It was almost with saving grace that in 996 prophet archetype Otto III secured the election as Pope of his twenty-three year old cousin and prophet archetype Bruno, who took the name Gregory V. Gregory thus became the first German Pope and then, on May 21, 996, he anointed and crowned Otto III Emperor. Gregory's pontificate would prove to be a short one, and, as a harbinger of the future, Gerbert of Aurillac the friend and teacher of Robert II Capet, was elected Pope in 999 under the name of Sylvester I. Robert is given the sobriqrt Pius for his support of the culturally modernist abbey of Cluny. The old order was about to change.