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I did some number crunching, and found a few interesting things (including stuff that S&H missed:
Reactive/Nomad presidents have high levels of active military participation (7/10), and are the highest ranking: 3/10 held the highest commands and ranks before becoming president (Washington, Grant, Ike), and another 3/10 were generals (Hayes, Garfield, B. Harrison). I wasn't able to find any active military service for Adams (manditory quarterly militia drills?), Arthur, or Cleveland (county sheriff in ACW).
S&H portray Reactive/Nomads as career military types, but only one (Ike) was a career officer. Washington was (in modern terms) a well-known National Guard officer with a political career and successful business who volunteered for active duty during a crisis war (AWI); he was the only one to serve on active duty AFTER becoming president. Grant was a regular who had long since resigned his commision, and only came back because of the crisis (ACW), then stayed on to handle reconstruction and the Indians. The other 3 ACW generals were strictly wartime, while Truman was a MO ARNG officer. Reactive/Nomads are typically in the "In Case of War, Break Glass" mode.
Civic/Hero presidents have the highest active military participation (8/10), with 3 (Monroe, JFK, Bush '41) seeing pretty harsh combat as junior officers. Carter was the only one with significant military service outside of a crisis war (1946-1953). I know that Jefferson participated in (required) militia drills; maybe Madison did the same.
The Civic/Heroes are pretty much as S&H portray them, showing up for the crisis war, then going back to civilain life (never to return).
Of the Adaptive/Artist presidents, 5/11 had active military service. 3/11 were generals with independent field commands (Jackson, W. Harrison, and Taylor); all 3 had extensive prior military experience. As an old man during the ACW, Van Buren was in a part-time militia unit (no active service). I haven't found anything for JQ Adams, Tyler, Buchannan, Taft, or Wilson.
The Artist/Adaptives are the biggest surprise. S&H wrote that Adaptives don't dream of flying jet fighters, but they do serve (voluntarily). Jackson was the only president to serve as both a private (unenrolled militiaman during the AWI crisis) and a general, and was the only president to be a POW (Washington surrendered Ft. Neccessity, but not himself or his command). Harrison had an on-again off-again military career that was concurrent and/or alternated with his political career, while Taylor was a regular. Teddy Roosevelt and McKinnley were strictly wartime, but distinguished (S&H make McKinnley sound like a blue-suited Candy Striper).
Of the 11 Idealist/Prophets, I haven't found anything at all for 4 (Polk, Johnson, Harding, Coolidge). Fillmore was in the same militia unit as Van Buren during the ACW (after his presidency). Pierce was a general in the Mexican War (I haven't found any prior military experience for him before that). Lincoln served in the Blackhawk War, and Hoover (as a civilian engineer) got caught up in the Boxer Rebellion, organizing the defenses at Tientsin. FDR toured the western front with the DON, Clinton was in ROTC, Bush '43 spent a year in officer/flight training, and did aircap afterward.
The Idealists are pretty much as S&H portray them. Pierce served because he got to be an instant general (nice offer if you can get it). Lincoln served 4 months, and was the only president to go from officer to enlisted man (voluntarily); of the four presidential candidates in 1860, Lincoln's military record was actually the most "hardcore". Hoover got swept up in the Boxer Rebellion accidentally. Bush '43's stateside TX ARNG service is actually above average for Idealist/Prophets.
For the present field for the 2008 election, I count:
McCain ('36 Silent), whose active & reserve service is more typical of Adaptive/Artists than S&H realize;
Hunter ('48 Boom), whose military service is very unusual for an Idealist/Prophet. If he won (presently about as likely as me winning), he'd have the most extensive military record of any Idealist/Prophet president. (Kerry would have been below Pierce and above Lincoln, but Kerry's a '43 cusper).
Did I miss anyone?