Originally Posted by
The Wonk
I'll jump into the fray about soulmates and why some people are down on them.
I see "soul mates" as a people who shares dreams, aspirations, physical relations, interests, love, and passion with each other. I personally can't imagine being married to a person who doesn't share common dreams, aspirations, values, and passion with me.
I totally agree with your definition of "soulmate", hon-- with the addition that I believe that soulmates are people that are somehow meant to be together. This does create some unfortunate possibilities I admit, along the lines of some of which you describe below.
[list][*]One is the case of widowers and widows who enjoyed a "soul mate" connection with their first spouse -- I maintain that such people can find a very different "soul mate" the second time around, which implies that there can be more than one "soul mate" per person.
This is probably Reason #1 why I'm glad I didn't end up dating a widow. I prefer (need?) to believe that we are reunited with our loved ones/families in heaven (or whatever one calls it) when we die. But if our spouses were married in a soulmate-type relationship before, what then? Do we get dumped for Soulmate #1 when we get to the Hereafter? Do I have to "share" her with another man-spirit for all Eternity? That sounds more like That Very Warm Place Downstairs than Heaven to me.
[*]Second, maintaining a "soul mate" relationship takes work. Without that work, you can squander your relationship with a "soul mate" -- to put it bluntly, piss it away.
I emphatically agree.
[*]Third, it implies that if you never meet your soul mate, or you meet him/her and the situation is wrong, or something fluky happens and your soul mate is killed on the freeway before you ever meet him/her, then you are doomed to either lifelong celebacy or making do with casual flings.
Um....yup. There are lots of people who appear to be in this precise situation. I suppose it might give them some amount of solace to believe that even if they miss out on finding their soulmate when they are alive, they might meet up with them in Heaven, or even in their next life/incarnation (should God send them both back to Earth for further Training 8) )
[*]Finally, the concept of one and only one soul mate can be used to justify adultery and breaking up viable marriages that have gone a bit stale and need some attention (I'm not talking about horrid marriages where one partner is abusive or refuses to work with the other partner -- however, in such cases, my preference is to end that relationship before tackling a second one. However, I realize that life is messy and lightning can sometime strike at the most inconvenient times!)
THIS I don't get at all! How can the concept of a one-and-only soulmate in any way be used to justify adultery??? To be certain, my own central outrage concerning the late Sexual Revolution was that by encouraging people to be promiscuous, its Swingin' Silent purveyors (may they burn eternally in Hell) essentially duped Boomers and Xers into betraying their soulmates before they even had a chance to meet them. And for what?
Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox and return you to our regular discussion.
No need to apologize sweetheart. It was a great topic to discuss!