Here's what you said about President Bush's low approval ratings:
However, I hope that those actually responsible for the low approval rating of the President continue to bury their heads in the sand and paint the Nation's support as directed towards the entire military effort -- it is they that will then look pathetic in 11/08.
Of course I merely inserted "President" and his commanding the military, wherein you inserted Congress and its commanding the military's budget, to your response of the historically low congressional polling results.
The effect is quite telling, aye?
A more nonpartisan spin on the low polling of both branches would consider the idea that the American people want results in Iraq. However, your partisan hackery finds my reading of the polls abhorrent. Ergo, you insult the American people as having their "pathetic" "heads in the sand" when currently answering the pollster.
I, as a Bush supporter, could claim the opposite is true, as I have demonstrated.
p.s. I say "currently" because, if the current military "surge" produces "results" American want to see, then it is YOU, and the Democrat leadership in Congress. who have sand in your ears.