Dealing with Boomers 101/ Boomer Orgs 101

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Skabungus - I find myself in a very similar boat. As my name implies, I am a lawyer and I work in the private sector for now. In both firms that I have worked for, my ideas have been pushed aside as 'too radical' for my Boomer bosses. you will find this humorous - my radical ideas included:
- advertising the firm on the internet or increasing web-based presence to bring in younger clients
- producing advertising brochures that are able to be mailed so that businesses could read about our experience in business-related services
- reducing our overhead of political contributions/ political clients and focusing on expanding our private sector business.
As I said, the Boomer partners look at me like I'm insane for challenging their business model that "has worked for 30 years".
1. Remember the "Agassi principle". "Image is EVERYTHING". While the above are of course not "radical", the fact remains they were perceived as such. Thusly, the purpose of a workweek is to peruse emails , do what they say to do, and find your favorite websites to browse or local games to play if the company keeps tabs on internet usage. You'll be occupied for six hours with the latter, with 2 hours of real work. That is how my workday goes. It helps to have something like asteroids or space invaders as a screensaver, so nobody knows if you're keeping yourself occupied by playing games for old time sake. I'm sure the Nintendo wave can do likewise.
2. Boomers are *always* right. (They think). CYA policy is needed. If you ever see something that gets you to thinking "hmmm...., if X isn't addressed soon, I might get ensnared in some political bullshit." CYA. Write an email to your boss just *suggesting* Y be done about X. Copy yourself and your home email address. Ass has been properly covered.
3. Useless/Stupid/Lame meetings which waste time. These include diversity, "our values", "new company gym", etc. junk. This is easy to fix. Use the buddy system. Have another X'er send a severity 1 page to you right before the meeting starts. Now , you have to attend to something important. I.E. in my case, some server just crashed (in folks' minds, but I really need to make top score.
Of course, this is exactly my point. My Boomer bosses (and other Boomer policy makers) are practicing law, fightng a war, and governing the people based on practices that have worked for 30 years; however, these practices/policies will not work any longer since society has changed.
By the way, I am a Gen Xer with a 4 year old son. My wife and I are taking our lives very seriously and are turning into the over-protective parents that S & H describe. I see many other Xers in their early 30s behaving the same way we are, so I suspect that the rise of the Xers is just around the corner.
Of course. This gets to line item 4. "Home/family supersede employers".
It gets down to the loyalty principle. You are just another line item for corporate America. Us elder X'ers do in fact remember when corporate America was part of family with Xmas parties for us and Easter egg hunts. These and other "family" ties no longer exist (see 30 year time line of Boomers). Thusly, since the relationship is platonic and strictly economic in nature, only 40 hrs/week max. of labor shall be rendered for paychecks.
Since playing Atari games is a direct result of them wanting to run everyting, well, OK by me. I'll take boredom over stress everytime.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."