Silents have been very slow to relinquish power. By my count, there are currently 33 Silents in the US Senate. Silents fill both Senate party leader positions (Reid and McConnell), and they chair many of the committees in the House and the Senate. Here is a listing:
House (12/21):
-Appropriations: Dave Obey
-Armed Services: Ike Skelton
-Budget: John Spratt
-Energy and Commerce: Henry Waxman
-Financial Services/Finance: Barney Frank
-Foreign Affairs/Relations: Howard Berman
-Judiciary: John Conyers
-Oversight and Government Reform: Ed Towns
-Rules: Louise Slaughter
-Transportation and Infrastructure: Jim Oberstar
-Veteran’s Affairs: Bob Filner
-Ways and Means: Charles Rangel
Senate (11/20):
-Aging: Herb Kohl
-Armed Services: Carl Levin
-Commerce, Science and Transportation: Jay Rockefeller
-Ethics: Barbara Boxer
-Environment and Public Works: Barbara Boxer
-Finance: Max Baucus
-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Tom Harkin
-Homeland Security and Government Affairs: Joe Lieberman
-Indian Affairs: Byron Dorgan
-Intelligence: Dianne Feinstein
-Judiciary: Patrick Leahy
As we can see, Silents still hold a great deal of power in our legislature. This could be the result of them not wanting to relinquish it, or the result of other generations not wanting to step up to the plate. Furthermore, something that could be complicating matters is the increasing lifespan of Americans. In previous 4Ts, many of the old Artists had very little power because a lot of them had died off before the 4T began. It would be interesting to see the percentage of chairs that the Progressives had early in the previous 4T.
With Boomers, there has been big interest in maintaining aspects of their youth, whether it is plastic surgery, or celebrating the music of the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore, some Boomers, not all, just do not want to let some cultural issues diffuse and focus on the more serious problems that we face.
For Xers, I feel most are starting to mature and slow down, but I do know quite a few who still go out on the town and party like college students.
Finally, for Millennials, quite a few Millennials I know still act bit childish by watching the same Disney movies that they did 15 years ago when they were little kids. Some do this on a regular basis.I hope that the 4T will wake these Millies up and make them realize that they need to get a backbone to make it through the Crisis.
I have some more feelings to share on this topic that are posted here: