Originally Posted by
Pink Splice
"For months now, many conservatives have been fundamentally positioning themselves for the post-war era, readying the arguments that will blame the failure of the venture in Iraq on its opponents rather than its architects.That Bush himself has chosen to join them is, perhaps, on some level the clearest reflection of the reality that the president knows perfectly well that the war is unwinnable, and blame-shifting now the best hope for saving his historical legacy."
(bolding mine)
Andrew Sullivan has been pointing the trend out for months, too. He calls it "Weimar Watch". When the Democrats were criticized for starting the Vietnam War, it was somewhat appropriate. All the critical escalation events did indeed occur on the Democrats' watch. But the Republicans owned this war, lock, stock, and barrel -- and yet some of them are still going to try to blame Democrats. At least the neocon theorists that started all this -- Perle, Wolfowitz, you know the list -- are admitting that, well, you know, this isn't exactly what we meant, you know, Plan A didn't work and Plan B is pretty crummy, um, we had the best of intentions... But the President, the leading GOP candidates, the political operatives, the GOP pundits, and the noise machine seem to still be ready to go yet another round in '08, telling everyone that more militarism and surveillance are needed -- not just a good idea, but needed -- and expect everyone to sign on meekly.
One of the things that mystifies me is how the Republican Party went from the isolationist-peace party -- which it had been for well over a century -- to a warmongering party. Was this another effect of the Southern Strategy shift, just as the Republicans went from the Party of Lincoln that Freed the Slaves to a party that semi-embraced racists? The two shifts came simultaneously, in the 1970's, and were complete with the Reagan Revolution in 1980. The Democratic and Republican party platforms in my non-updated Mississippi history textbooks in the early 1990's did not at all match the actual behaviors of the candidates on TV.
'81, 30/70 X/Millie, trying to live in both Red and Blue America... "Catfish 'n Cod"