Originally Posted by
... Bottom line -- we could be headed for a disaster next summer. Just months before the election, it could be the blow to the Republican Party that may take a decade or two to recover from. They would deserve it; not only for all the senseless death and maiming of our kids but for their sheer lack of any vision beyond their myopic focus on the latest challenge to Bush's attempt to save face.
Glad to see them go down in flames but what a horrible price to pay.
That's a very possible scenario. Here, sadly, is another:
As the unsurge gets into high gear, a nutcase (pick the faction you like for this sort of thing) gets through security and kills Ryan Crocker ... or GEN Petraeus ... or PM Maliki. Meanwhile, attacks rage everywhere at once, with two or three hundred Americans dead.
Bush will dust off his cloak of Stars and Stripes, stand in front of a picture of the mayhem, and the spiel will be about God and honor and avenging their deaths. If the perpetrator can be tagged as Iranian (true or not), we're Off To The Races - Part III.
I assume nothing.