Originally Posted by
Pink Splice
You can't do tactics or strategy.
So, does this sound like a nice "tactic"...We shall destroy their docks, their factories, and their communications. Let there be no mistake; we shall completely destroy Japan's power to make war.
Yeah, this Truman (Xer-like "Get the job done, and get it done completely" kinda Kifflie-guy) sounds a lot like Kifflie when she first appeared on this forum right after 9/11:I like their hardheaded approach here. 'Course, I'm an Xer, so that's probably why... That pretty much sums up what this Xer is feeling right now. Get the job done, and get it done completely. -- Kiff '61, September 14, 2001.
The, um, "hardheaded approach here" part was a response to a New Republic op-ed she posted. Here's the gist of it:The ashes of Manhattan cover the entire land. The pictures wound and wound and wound. The planes slam every time for the first time, the buildings fall every time for the first time. Over and over our brothers and our sisters die. These are the records of a defeat, and of a derangement of the universe. Eloquence is stupid. We have been slaughtered. Even if we live in a culture of forgetting, this we must never forget.
Yep, Bush sucks, alright.
Bush ain't no Truman, you know, the Xer-like "Get the job done, and get it done completely" kinda Kifflie-guy. No, Bushie pooh-poohed around the al Qaeda bushes in search of an oil well. Right oh! 
p.s. BTW, nice tactical naval history lesson, dude. Sorry, ain't no "tactics" here, dude. Wanna talk about those 3,000 dead American GIs uselessly slaughtered, during the D-Day training exercises? How about the slaughter at Tawara? Ever heard of that massive bloody naval boondoggle?