Neil Howe wrote the following and asked me to post it here. If you would like to reply with your thoughts about Bill Strauss, we will see that his family sees your comments. -- Craig
I am reporting with great sadness that Bill Strauss passed away early this morning. He will be missed by so many: By his Capitol Steps fans, by his Cappies students, by his speaking audiences, by his readers and discussants, and—of course—by his friends and family. Maybe I should also mention all the political and community leaders who leaned on him for advice, all the media reporters who plied him for insightful quotes, all of the musical writers and performers who loved to work and jam with him, all the fans who got into the habit of phoning and emailing him, and all of the teens and college students who regarded him as a strong friend and advocate for their entire generation.
In truth, Bill was larger than life. Countless people drew strength and inspiration just by being around him. I include myself among these people. Bill and I have worked together on writing and speaking and analyzing and opining about generations—and occasionally about other subjects—for over twenty years. Sometimes, for months on end, we would be on phone into the wee hours every night as we hammered away on this or that project. Bill was of course blessed with inexhaustible creativity and a dazzling sense of humor. Through our association, I also knew him to be a man of unfailing decency, compassion, wisdom, and courage.
I will deeply miss our professional collaboration, which by now has become something close to a habit. Indeed I already find myself wishing for his presence just to complete a sentence—or a thought. I will also deeply miss a very close friend with whom I could talk about anything and trust with anything.
Bill has a wonderful family (his wife Jane and his children Melanie, Vicky, Becky, and Eric) for whom this loss will be very tough. It was great for all of them that they live nearby and could be around him in his final weeks. Greater still that they have lives which will continue to overlap and circle around his own interests (just as his interests often overlapped with theirs).
The service will be private. There will however be a public memorial in March of 2008 in McLean, Virginia, to which all of the Bill’s friends and associates and well-wishers and fans are invited to attend. Exact dates and details to come.