When socialism and libertarianism collide: Who's to blame for American health care? | The Economist
Who's to blame for American health care? Jan 10th 2011,
"MOUNTING toward his conclusion in a much-discussed post attempting fairly and precisely to pinpoint the ways in which libertarians have and have not made the world lousy, Ezra Klein says this:
That libertarian dreams of a privatized (or completely dismantled) Medicare system haven't come to pass is no more relevant than dreams of minarchy. What has come to pass is an aggressive and successful effort to stop America from following other countries' paths to national health-care systems. And the result can be seen here: If our costs had followed their costs, we'd have no budget deficit to speak of. Libertarians shouldn't have to answer for minarchy. But they do have to answer for that....Of course, the story can go the other way 'round. If not for the vast and lavishly subsidised conspiracy that has enabled ideologues of social democracy to dominate America's premier opinion-shaping institutions, America would now enjoy the abundant blessings of thoroughly free and competitive markets in insurance and health services. After all, efficient and free markets are the natural and just condition of a free people. This story is at least as compelling as Mr Klein's, and I'll admit I once believed something like it. As it is, libertarianism and social democracy are rival ideologies, and their proponents have fought bitterly to shape public opinion and America's public institutions. ...
In my preferred version of the story, the woeful American health-care system is the wreckage of a collision between between the left's intense desire to put the finishing touch on the so-called "Second Bill of Rights" and the American majority's vaguely libertarianish hostility to socialist institutions. Liberals have tossed up one legislative Hail Mary after another only to get slapped down by public opinion and settle for half-measures which have led cumulatively to the patchwork absurdity of the status quo. To liberals who wanted a single-payer system, and if not that, a public option, Mr Obama's legislative score was more a field goal than a touchdown. And now, according to Gallup, more Americans want to repeal "Obamacare" than want to keep it. The new Republican House majority has taken the cue and is pressing forward with efforts to rescind elements of the Democrats' reforms. However this plays out, the resulting health-care system will be a different but not-necessarily better mess.
The story that there is no villain here, only the complex, dynamic interaction of largely irreconcilable interests and ideologies, doesn't move units. So try this. If I had to lay blame for this mess on any single conviction, it would be the left's insistence that positive rights, such as the putative right of access to decent health-care, are best secured by a comprehensive system of government guarantees and regulatory supervision. This is the belief that, when Democrats try to put it into practice, wrecks repeatedly against the shoals of American public opinion. The problem is not so much the notion that access to health care is a human right—a notion I think most Americans endorse in some form or other—but the distinctively progressive vision of government's maximally extensive role in managing the provision of the entitlement. That is to say, our stupid health-care system cannot be attributed to the influence of the likes of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, neither of whom opposed a universal entitlement to health care. On the contrary, we would have long ago achieved the dream of universal access to decent care had liberals let go of their dream of big government's supervisory role and paid more attention to the likes of Messrs Hayek and Friedmen when they talked about about how to get this sort of thing done. Health-care pundit, heal thyself.