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This is a topic that makes me very angry and emotional, so I've tried to avoid posting on this thread. But I feel so strongly about this. I do not see America converting to a single payer healthcare system anytime soon.
I work in health insurance and can tell you this. It's the biggest money making scam ever, and only exists to make a profit off human misery. Talk about a Ponzi scheme. Every day I hear the most horrible stories from members. My job is to analyze their claims, adjust them when necessary, but mainly my job is to find the loopholes so we don't have to pay their claims. We are talking about people who have lost everything they own, houses, everything, because they have become sick. The premiums they pay, even for the most basic policies, are absolutely insane. In return, their claims may (and probably will) still deny. One of the biggest problems for these people are pre existing conditions. They pay thousands --THOUSANDS--a month for insurance, only to find that because they didn't have prior coverage within a month of their coverage, that we will not pay their claims. Obamacare has eliminated that problem for children under 19 (for now), but for adults? There's no guarantee their claims will be paid. Oh, I could go on and on about the evils I hear about every day, but I won't because just thinking about it makes ME ill. Suffice to say that working in this industry has convinced me of the the true motives of health insurance companies, and their motives are evil. If you're fairly healthy you are almost better off without insurance at all.
Here's my feelings about the issue. Government may not be a panacea, and it may not be perfect, but why are we the ONLY industrialized nation that doesn't offer free or cheap health care to its citizens? Single payer health programs run by governments have a huge advantage over our system--they are not motivated by PROFIT. They are set up as a safety net for all their citizens. In America, health care is a profit making industry, like computers, cars and luxury items. Hospitals (which are ALL for profit now), doctors and the greedy health insurance companies are getting rich off human misery and illness. Think about it. It is not in their best interests to keep people well, or to find a cure, because then where would their livelihood come from? Their objective is to keep people just sick enough to keep needing their services, NOT on finding a cure. In what world are corporations less evil than governments?
When a person is faced with cancer or some other life threatening or debilitating disease, do they and their families REALLY NEED to also have to worry about bankruptcy and losing everything they own because of inability to pay their bills--or afford the exhorbitant rates of health insurance? Aren't they being faced with enough heartache already?
Apparently in America, the answer is no. How dare we let all those parasitic and unmotivated ill people get any kind of care for free? They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a better job, or work three jobs to pay for health "care." So what that they have cancer and need chemo three times a week and can barely stand up, never mind earn their keep to stay alive? Why should poor and middle class people get a free ride and take tax money away from the rich and keep insurance companies from raking in profits so their CEOs can buy another yacht and a third house in Bali? Boo hoo! The 2 % at the top might have to pay more TAXES! That's not the American Way! Let's bring out the world's smallest violin.
I don't understand any society that thinks this way. I never have. The gap between the top 2% and everyone else is shameful--and embarrassing. We are becoming a third world country. We have the richest people in the world, and tens of millions of people who live an existence not much better than those some third world countries. People are starving and dying because of lack of opportunity. So I'm a bleeding heart liberal? Good, it's better than being a soulless social Darwinist. America has lost its heart and has lost its way. I suppose having a heart makes you a (gasp!) socialist! I guess that made Jesus a socialist too. These Randian types also often call themselves Christians. How can you reconcile Ayn Rand's social Darwinism and true Christian values like charity, compassion, unselfishness, and caring for the less fortunate, without expecting anything for yourself. Short answer-- you can't! Those who think you can are as deluded as those who insist the economy has recovered and we are not entering a super Depression far worse than the 1930s. I have called these soulless Ayn Rand followers Pharisees, but perhaps that's too harsh. Most of the sheep who vote this way are not in the top 2%--far from it in fact. Most of them are just ignorant and have drank the koolaid fed to them by the Powers That Be for too long. They don't know any better.
The Tea Partiers and wealthy Republicans act like free enterprise and the power of huge corporations over everyone else is a good thing, less evil than government. If they had their way, there would be NO government, just megacorporations running everything and probably watching everything we do too. There have been attempts to privatize the police, and fire departments! They want to tear down schools and libraries that give regular folks a chance at the American dream. Under their regime, nothing would be free, and everything from health care, to education, to your house being saved from fire or robbery would be run by the private companies motivated by profit rather than helping others. So tell me, how is this state of affairs less evil than government run programs paid for through taxation? The idea of an America with no government, and corporations running things with greed their only motive instead is a truly terrifying prospect to me. Give me socialism any day if that's the only choice! At least socialism, while admittedly misguided and often badly managed, attempts to achieve human equality and make life more bearable for the poor. Most European nations are not socialist countries anyway--they are social democracies that allow some wealth and as much free enterprise as you want but also attempt to make things more fair and help those who need it, rather than just letting less fortunate people who for whatever reason can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" suffer, starve and die. Now they want to take away social security and Medicare too. They got theirs, now screw you. Lovely.
We are not a free country--unless you are wealthy. Poverty, homelessness, and lack of access to health care and jobs is NOT freedom. It is tyranny. The way I see it, making a profit off the misery and suffering of others is the epitome of evil. It is perfectly fine to make a profit on certain goods and services. it is NOT okay to make a profit over things that are RIGHTS. Access to basic needs such as a decent education, health care, and a roof over one's head are not privileges , they are rights. America needs to get with the program and emulate countries like Canada, France and Germany that actually care about their citizens and try hard to make sure everyone's basic rights are met. Funny that we criticize those countries for their evil "socialism," yet I don't hear people who live in those places exactly complaining about their lot. Most of their people feel sorry for Americans, and make fun of us. They realize they are fortunate they do not have the type of government that is based on greed and wealth rather than being a good place to live for the majority of their citizens. Why are the only new immigrants those from third world countries? Doesn't that tell you something? And we're becoming another one.
I'm sorry, but I had to rant. I simply do not understand the thinking of these people, and I also don't see us changing to anything better soon. In fact, it's pretty obvious things are going to get a lot worse. It's pretty scary. As culturally bland as the 1950s may have been, I'd gladly return to that, if only because back then, the government actually cared about its people and built institutions to make that possible. I don't think the next High will be anything like the 1950s, however. I think it will be more like the Gilded Age or worse. I hope I'm wrong but I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about the direction we seem to be going in this turning. The only way out of this mess we are in is revolution. We have numbers on our side. We need to stop being pussies and fight for our basic rights as human beings.