Originally Posted by
Wallace 88
From our point of view. But if someone thinks that a fetus is a person, then it is not simply an extension of her body, but needs individual protection, right? That's their POV, which is consistent with their religious views. The problem comes in with using the government to enforce religious views.
You are setting up the straw man of "sick starving people in the middle of the street." Were there cases like that before the progressives? Yes. Are there cases like that after the progressives. YES. We can still take care of them. We did it long before government got into the businesss (inefficiently). And yopu and Sock are overlooking the fact the the number of unwanted children has skyrocketed since the creation of the modern welfare system.
Anyone who thinks that charity alone can end poverty is either a naive person with no understanding of the utter scale of the problem or is a selfish liar who really doesn't care about the poor. And besides, a lot of people who give to charities are less likely to do so during economic downturns, which simply exacerbates the problem, there is less charity money exactly when more is needed.
A social safety net is just and rational public policy, relying on charity is unjust and irrational.
The rest of your post (such as "the number of unwanted children has skyrocketed since the creation of the modern welfare system") is simply Right-Wing boilerplate nonsense that has no basis in fact and does not deserve a refutation.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism