To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
We can leave that decision to those who earned it.
Nonsense. Countries which follow progressiver policies have bad long term job growth. Sheesh.
Savings and investments create jobs, duh.
And they "ship jobs overseas" because people like you make it prohibitive for them to earn money here.
I think your statistics are off.
Because government run businesees tend to suck. The poor want to go to charter or private schools because they do a better job. It's progressives who stand in the way.
The primary result of all those social programs has been to keep the poor poor.
Jesus also didn't say it's wrong to ciommit gang rape, but I'll bet he was against it.
Greed and selfishness (and envy) are rthe sins of the left. You'll notice how much so many leftists rail against materialism, and then spend all their time talking about how so and so doesn't have enough material goodies, so they should be taken from someone who earned them. Like you did in your post.
I think therer are a few lines in Job that duisagree with you. But Kiff is the Bibble expert.
No, you just got caught being nasty. Man up.
Then what did it have to do with?
Really. There's a work requirement for food stamps and section eight hiousing?
Moynihan pointed out that the Tammany Hall welfare system created predictable social problem in the Irish community (crime, laziness, out of wedlock births). He then pointerd out that the same thing seemed to be on the rise for Blacks.
I don't really give a damn, nobody really needs millions of dollars, it's a mixture of addiction and the thrist for power over others lots of wealth gets you. True political equality is impossible without economic equality, because economic power is political power, it always has, and it always will be.
This is common boilerplate nonsense used by the European Right to attack workers' rights.Nonsense. Countries which follow progressiver policies have bad long term job growth. Sheesh.
demand for goods and services create jobs. That is simply a fact.Savings and investments create jobs, duh.
so you want American workers to have the same pay and working conditions as folks in China?And they "ship jobs overseas" because people like you make it prohibitive for them to earn money here.
This is completely false and is based on RW propaganda and brainwashing.Because government run businesees tend to suck. The poor want to go to charter or private schools because they do a better job. It's progressives who stand in the way.
Another example of RW propaganda and brainwashing.The primary result of all those social programs has been to keep the poor poor.
Thee rich don't need any more money, the poor DO NEED THAT MONEY TO GET BY. What about this do you not understand?Greed and selfishness (and envy) are rthe sins of the left. You'll notice how much so many leftists rail against materialism, and then spend all their time talking about how so and so doesn't have enough material goodies, so they should be taken from someone who earned them. Like you did in your post.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
Oh, and for the record, I get Section 8 assistance and I am no lazy bum who refuses to work. and everyone I know who gets section 8 housing assistance works their ass off.
The "people on welfare are lazy" shit is a LIE. It is a DAMNED LIE, and I am sick of it!
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
This is not just RW thinking, its thinking prevalent among a high majority. And not all poor people are evil and lazy. Some are, but some just hit a rough patch and need help for a short time. I have no problem with some type of Works program that was done during the last Great Depression. In fact I think that would be a great idea these days.
But its simply absurd for the government to pay able bodied people to do absolutely nothing.
Left wing boiler plate passed on greed, envy and fear. If money won elections, the Donkeys would have won in Nevada.
Again, the socialist always talks of materialistic greed, but never notices that they're the ones who are its biggest advocates.
No, its based on Europes poor rates of job creation.
Blue states, too.
Savings and investments provide the capital to make good jobs possible. The American worker is several times more efficient than a Chinese worker, and current American workers are several times more productive than those of 100 years ago. That's not because their stronger or faster, or more "skilled" and running a machine than earlier workers or the Chinese, but because of capital investments.
THE RICH have the right to wjhatever money they earn. As Kiff might say, that's enjoying the fruits of one's l;abors.
THE POOR got by long before the destructive welfare system.
I don't know about section 8 housing because I never applied for it. But you are welcome to do the research. I do know that the waiting list for it is so long that midway through the year they take no more other applicants and tell them to reapply the following year. But that's what I read years ago. It's probably worse now. Best...