This is obviously a well duh thing, for sure.
1. Change the eligibility age from 65 to 0.
2. Enact a VAT to pay for it. (No free lunches, sorry).
3. Delete the current payroll tax. Would this not lessen the burden of hiring a bit?
4. We can then also delete Medicare and every other current government health care programs. - Simplicity has a beauty all its own.
5. If folks still want some sort of "Medigap" plan to cover boob jobs, face lifts, penis enhancements, etc. OK by me. However for most of normal folks, private insurance would go away.
Health care (not health insurance) is more of public good, IMHO, say like roads. If you need a particular road, you need it. If you need , say cancer treatment, you need it. IOW, it's not a "want", like candy. I think "health insurance" is a useless meme that serves the healthcare industry more than anything else. I think that is the crux of your second paragraph about assorted ideas surrounding "health insurance".
7. I don't think the Medicare bill had 2000+ pages of cruft. I think my ideas would actually reduce existing cruft (laws on the books) we already have.
The above is the paragraph I was referring to. To me it highlights 2 points.
a. The utter lack of discourse about private/public goods.
b. The idiotic "mandate" issue. Of course if the healthcare plan were paid for by some sort of tax, like Medicare, we'd all be spared all of this drama involving the SCOTUS.
... item b on my reply above.
Or to be more blunt. Healthcare clusterfuck. Sorry, Kunstler made me do it.