First and foremost it is about the disappointment that Obamacare did not result in every one of us getting magic ponies that poop gold nuggets and as long as we are in their mere presence, we will never get sick and we will never die. Take a moment, and let the grief of that knowledge wash over you. If you can move on from there, you will have accomplished something that many many people cannot.
Okay, since you made it this far, the next thing to grapple with is that somewhere, someone is going to maybe have to pay a small penalty (relative to their income since generally they'll be in the top 20% of incomes) for not getting health insurance. This is like being made to eat French Fries when all you ever wanted is Freedom Fries! Like, OMG, next thing you know they'll tell us we need a govt-issued license to drive a car! Oh, wait, ah, well, just never mind, where the heck is my freedom fries?!
Make it through those two things and it gets a little boring, at least from a national level perspective. Get down to the state level and it gets more interesting.
At the state level, you'll learn all about certain Red State governors deciding that their state can't afford to give health insurance (Medicaid), which really does mean in most cases not giving them health care. They can't afford it even though the feds pick up 100% of the tab for the first three years and 90% thereafter. But, you know, its the old camel's nose under the tent thingee and pretty soon those poor people will take over the world and worst shrink the gap a tiny bit between themselves and the 1% who will feel less rich because, well, rich is a relative thing.
You will also learn about the ability of states to set up their own or join a regional insurance exchange that has lots of possibilities including possibly the "public option" emerging. This can get pretty wonky but it can be fun if you're that kind of person.
Then there's the personal level that you are bringing up. Health insurance is going to change drastically in this country over the next couple of years. What worked before or what you thought worked before is not likely even an option in the future. Time to put on the thinking cap and look out for number one - your country wants you to. Good luck with it, but if you made it this far, you are likely far ahead of a lot of others and I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out in a beneficial way for you and yours.