Originally Posted by
Marx & Lennon
If your point is, the options stink is some places, you win. Florida will be particulaly bad. In its first year or two, Medicare stunk up the place too. Why is this surprising? It won't get fixed immediately either, so you can complain for a while.
I think her point is more about if you have really expensive specialist needs, your costs are going to still be very high.. You may max out the OOP but your premiums are going to still be very high (although likely less under the ACA's broadening of the pool than they would have been).
The other complaint being less access to those very expensive specialists in order to keep the overall rates for everyone in the pool low. Good if your an average person in the plan, bad if you are unfortunately someone who needs the expensive specialists.
I think I've come to understand why she has certain positions on this issue - it is more of a personal issue for her whereas most of us are looking at it from a societal perspective.
The difficult part here would be trying to explain why single payer would likely not be the panacea she is hoping for in her particular case. Single payer will come with considerable cost controls that will do exactly the same thing of excluding expensive specialists; one might want to look at how Medicaid, rather than Medicare, handles the situation to get a better sense of what the sought-after single payer of the future will have to offer. The problem is that railing against that will be a lot more diffuse under that future single payer than the current offer of evil corporations or the guy in the WH. It's not a pleasant situation to be in - now or what may someday come in the future.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
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