Originally Posted by
You're right - relative to other countries, research in America is relatively privatized. It still relies heavily on publicly funded research, but they do get huge tax breaks and a great argument for patent monopolies. Two things "the market" does poorly: utilities, and pure research. Medicine is both, so if we want a functional system, we have to get rid of all the middle-men who use that defense to justify their accumulation of wealth.
Sounds good to me!

Originally Posted by
It still undermines your theory that America is doing things right when it comes to promoting research. The bigger aggregate costs get, and the more the government gets squeezed out, the less we're going to see of new developments and treatments. The most popular new drugs are of questionable safety and efficacy, but they're selling like hotcakes.
Whoa, that's not my theory. I do tend to take serious that R&D is expensive and often doesn't bare fruit so there has to be some sort of system of supporting it - profits, incentives, tax breaks, govt sponsored. I'm also not thrilled with govt takeover of it all especially the "D" side of the R&D. I'm still a capitalist when it comes to best way of moving the ball forward on tech development; I just seem like a commie because of my concern for my fellow man, and even that has a heavy Henry Ford capitalist pragmatism to it. (I even like a lot of Justin's production ideas which we don't get too much of here because, well, he hates me!
I really don't know what the possible answers are here. I like to see an Alexander or Butler weigh in on it but they seem to avoid the place these days. Why, I wonder what Justin thinks about it if we could stay just a sliver short of the total anarchy model. I just don't know.

Originally Posted by
Didn't we just go over the fact that the MLR rule change is only going to affect about .1% of what we spend on healthcare each year? $2 billion is nice, but it's not even peanuts on the scale we're looking at. It doesn't get to be a trump card for every problem in the system, and no, you can't just wave off the ridiculous incentives created by investors in the other .1% who can only see the world in terms of personal profit & loss.
Well, essentially that boils down to not much more blood is going to be squeezed out of the insurers unless we can reduce their role to being optional supplemental insurance over and above single payer. But you know my political opinion of the likelihood of that in the foreseeable future (have I mentioned I don't do magic pony land?) So where do we go from here? I suggested medical care providers have a role to play. I've suggested the American consumer paying for the incentives (or outrageous profiteering, depending on one's outlook) of medical tech R&D as another. You don't seem to care for either one of those so where else do we go? Rani's death panels? (I just like to put her name in front of that because I know it makes her head explode. I kinda like that - yes, I'm a sick old man
Last edited by playwrite; 11-21-2013 at 05:32 PM.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite