Huh? That's strange, I plugged in my projected income , which is $31,000/yr and I got a subsidy of $111/yr with a silver Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan which costs $300.41/month.
Here's how the income/subsidy works as I understand it:
Now, the ACA is still totally FUBAR wrt to prescriptions as I found out yesterday. I went to get my meds and presented the pharmacy with my new card. The damn thing didn't go through with my new insurance card, but the old one which I cancelled out did go through. [So I think health insurance companies are just fucking stupid. ] I called BC/BS -> maybe they should rename themselves to be Bull crap/Bull Shit since the hold time was > 1 hour. So.... I went home and called the damn number again while I was by my computer and put the cell phone on speaker and waited. That way I could just log into Bovada and play poker while I waited for a real live person to answer the damn phone. When a person finally answered the phone they said the prescription stuff wasn't working and to just get them filled for free at CVS or Walgreens until they get their shit together. OK, y'all been warned, if your prescriptions don't go through, it's because your insurance company has its head up its ass. The only good thing about this is that I found just where Bovada's donks are.

Go and play the $1 pot limit Omaha sit/go tourneys. I don't admit to knowing much about Omaha, except to see if my hand is [coordinated]. By coordinated, I sort of see how many good hold'em hands I can make out of the 4 cards I get dealt.
Does MO have it's own marketplace or is it like Oklahoma where you have to use the national exchange?
Perhaps you can run some numbers and see which is better.
1. Work for what your income actually is vs. if you can fuck off and get your income down to $28,000 and add in the additional subsidy and see which way nets the most $/year.
2. However, according to the link, there seems to be a bug or feature someplace. Perhaps if MO has its own website, it has the bug or you logged into at some point it was totally fucked up. [ I know about this. I encountered lot's of bugs when I spent 12 hours trying to get something to go. I got Oracle errors, I got timeouts, I got lock ups, you name it. Maybe when you tried it, there was a fucked up if statement that put your income in the wrong bucket.
3. You can call the toll free number of course
The "1" of course is the symbol for the middle finger.
Ah, maybe that explains the difference between you and I. The ACA has a feature called ZIP code bingo. If you live in certain ZIP codes that got bingos, you get special treatment.
I have one of those "pre existing conditions". My main cost is my "crazy meds". I have 4 of those.
1. quientapene
2. tranxene
3. depakote
4. Cymbalta , I wish this damn thing would go off patent, it's expensive.
Hmmm. You might want to check and see if you can get your meds free for now @Walgreens/CVS. Perhaps that 1+ hour on hold was worth it after all. My guess is that since CVS/Walgreens are big, they bought off congress and get some sort of kickback for each "free" prescription they dole out. Oh, you might want to check out You can win real money playing NL hold'em. The only catch is you have to spend time playing tourneys for points, which are used as buy ins for token tourneys. You then use the tokens to buy in to cash games. It's sort of a you pay in terms of time to build up enough points/tokens to enter the cash games. The only other requirement is ensuring you don't go tilt from donks hitting 3 outers and such. You see, from time to time, a donk will shove all in with something like K/3 offsuit and you have pocket queens. The flop had a K which set me back on one of yesterday's tourneys. Note, though, that the donk list I have hardly makes it to the final table. So if you decide to play there make a file called donk.txt and every time you see this kind of stuff , just add the donk's handle to the file.