Originally Posted by
It's one of many, but the plain fact is that if it takes longer than war and peace to write about it's unreasonable to expect for the average person to know and understand what's in it and therefore it becomes unenforceable. That, in and of itself talks me the law is cowardly and ineffective in nature.
Try reading the Code of Federal Regulation or even a single day volume of the Federal Register.
When the world was as simple as you think it should be, it was also very brutish.
Get over it.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite